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St. Petersburg
The World
Welcome to Earth! It's a planet having an iron core, with two-thirds of its surface covered by water. Earth orbits a local star called the Sun, the light of which generates the food supply for all the millions of species of life on earth. The dominant species on Earth is the human being, and you're one of the six bi...
The Bahamas
The Bahamas is a nation consisting of 29 islands, 661 cays, and 2,387 islets (rocks). It is located in the Atlantic Ocean north of Cuba andHispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti), northwest of the Turks and Caicos Islands, and southeast of the United States (nearest to the state of Florida). Its land area is 13,93...
Bosnia and Herzegovina
The Bay Area
The Bay Area is renowned for its natural beauty, affluence, diversity, and progressive thinking new age reputation. Lots of ammenities, tours and hotels can be found all around the area.San Francisco is the cultural and financial center of the Bay Area, and has the second highest population density of any major city...
Pima Air and Space Museum
Marbach at the Neckar
Marbach at the Necakr is the birth town of Friedrich Schiller
The area around cala mayor
Cala major,san agusti,illetas and genoa on the island of Majorca in Spain
The University of Melbourne, Parkville Campus
The Parkville campus of The University of Melbourne. http://www.unimelb.edu.au/
L'Aquila: un viaggio virtuale nella Zona Rossa dopo il terremoto del 6 Aprile 2009
«Malye Korely» Museum of Wooden Architecture and Folk Art
Das Museum liegt am rechten Ufer der Nördlichen Dwina unweit der Einmündung des Flüsschens Korelka, etwa 25 Kilometer südöstlich von Archangelsk. Das beim Museum gelegene Dorf nennt sich in leicht abweichender Schreibweise Malyje Karely. Das Museum nimmt eine Fläche von 139,8 Hektar ein. Das Freilichtmuseum ist eine...
History and OverviewMontreal has been inhabited for thousands of years, long before Europeans arrived. It's the second largest French-speaking city in the world (after Paris) and it takes its name from Mount Royal, the hill at the center of the island. It sits on the St. Lawrence river which is one of the longest ru...
Central Park
Genova Città d'arte, capoluogo della Liguria, Genova è cresciuta attorno al suo porto. Il suo centro storico, il più grande d'Europa, è attraversato da una fitta rete di vicoli intrisa della sua storica multiculturalità. Tra botteghe, osterie e magnifici negozi, risplende il noblie passato della Superba attraverso l...