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海南(英文名:Hai Nan)。省会:海口,简称:琼。 海南省-1988年4月13日,第七届全国人民代表大会第一次会议通过《关于设立海南省的决定》和《关于建立海南经济特区的决议》;1988年4月26日,中共海南省委、海南省人民政府正式挂牌。从此,海南成为我国最年轻的省份和最大的经济特区,海南的发展进入了一个崭新的历史时期。海南岛是中国南海上的一颗璀璨的明珠,是仅次于台湾的全国第二大岛。海南省是中国陆地面积最小,海洋面积最大的省。
Bucknell University
Bucknell University is a private liberal arts university located alongside the West Branch Susquehanna River in the rolling countryside of Central Pennsylvania in the town of Lewisburg, 30 miles (48 km) southeast of Williamsport and 60 miles (97 km) north of Harrisburg. The university consists of the College of Arts...
The University of Melbourne, Parkville Campus
The Parkville campus of The University of Melbourne. http://www.unimelb.edu.au/
Kremenchuk Flight College of National Aviation University
Кременчугский лётный колледж Национального авиационного университета
Nui Maynooth
The campus of the National University of Ireland, Maynooth (NUIM). Website: http://www.nuim.ie
Wikipedia: Erlangen is a Middle Franconian city in Bavaria, Germany. It is located at the confluence of the river Regnitz and its large tributary, the Untere Schwabach. Erlangen has more than 100,000 inhabitants.Erlangen is today dominated by the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and the numerous branch offices of Si...