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Korea is one of the oldest continuous civilizations in the world with over five thousand years of history. According to the original creation myth, the world we live in today is the work of the Heavenly Prince Hwanung, whose father was the King of Heaven.The Heavenly Prince asked his father to give him some land to ...
The University of Melbourne, Parkville Campus
The Parkville campus of The University of Melbourne. http://www.unimelb.edu.au/
Welcome to Earth! It's a planet having an iron core, with two-thirds of its surface covered by water. Earth orbits a local star called the Sun, the light of which generates the food supply for all the millions of species of life on earth. The dominant species on Earth is the human being, and you're one of the six bi...
The Bahamas
The Bahamas is a nation consisting of 29 islands, 661 cays, and 2,387 islets (rocks). It is located in the Atlantic Ocean north of Cuba andHispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti), northwest of the Turks and Caicos Islands, and southeast of the United States (nearest to the state of Florida). Its land area is 13,93...
«Malye Korely» Museum of Wooden Architecture and Folk Art
Das Museum liegt am rechten Ufer der Nördlichen Dwina unweit der Einmündung des Flüsschens Korelka, etwa 25 Kilometer südöstlich von Archangelsk. Das beim Museum gelegene Dorf nennt sich in leicht abweichender Schreibweise Malyje Karely. Das Museum nimmt eine Fläche von 139,8 Hektar ein. Das Freilichtmuseum ist eine...
Kremenchuk Flight College of National Aviation University
Кременчугский лётный колледж Национального авиационного университета
The Bay Area
The Bay Area is renowned for its natural beauty, affluence, diversity, and progressive thinking new age reputation. Lots of ammenities, tours and hotels can be found all around the area.San Francisco is the cultural and financial center of the Bay Area, and has the second highest population density of any major city...
Grampians National Park
Rondane National Park
Norway’s first national park. The Rondane massif towers impressively over wide, lichen-covered mountain plateaus. In the south, the visitor is met by a tranquil landscape of gently rounded peaks. But these mountains also conceal deep valleys and precipitous mountainsides, especiallyin the north and in the east. The ...
Ópusztaszer National Park
Sawtooth National Wilderness
Zion National Park
Many panoramas of Zion National Park's trails, views, canyons, and peaks.  Zion National Park is known for it large exposure of the Navajo sandstone's steep red walled cliffs and world classic canyons and canyoneering routes.
Isle Of Man
City of Wells
Wells is the second smallest cathedral city in England (after the City of London) and was founded in 1205. It is located at the foot of the Mendip Hills in Somerset.  It was named after the fact that there are three wells in the city closely associated with the cathedral.
City of Melbourne
Pima Air and Space Museum
L'Aquila: a virtual tour of the Red Zone after the April 6th, 2009 earthquake
Marbach at the Neckar
Marbach at the Necakr is the birth town of Friedrich Schiller
Zion National Park, Utah
Zion National Park is home to many great canyons, peaks, views, and arches.  This is a collection of 
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
The biggest city in Alaska is Anchorage, sitting in Cook Inlet on the coast of the north pacific. Suburban expansion in Anchorage means houses are being built up into the mountains behind the city.People in these new developments complain about "the wildlife" sometimes but you know what? You're gonna get moose in yo...
Lava Beds National Monument
Lava Beds National Monument is located near the city of Tulelake, California in Siskiyou & Modoc Counties.  It lies at the northern flank of the Medicine Lake Caldera to the south.  It was established in 1925 & houses a variety of volcanic features, faults, caves, history, & archaological sites.Much of t...
VI Region of Chile
Sexta Región de Chile - Región del Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme
Principality of Liechtenstein FL
Stroll virtually through the historic and yet modern city of Vaduz. It expects you a comprehensive 360 ° experience in and around the capital of Liechtenstein.
Out of this World
The planet Earth has proven to be too limiting for our awesome community of panorama photographers. We're getting an increasing number of submissions that depict locations either not on Earth (like Mars, the Moon, and Outer Space in general) or do not realistically represent a geographic location on Earth (either be...