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湖北省,简称“鄂”,为中华人民共和国省级行政区。湖北在中国中部、长江中游、洞庭湖以北,介于北纬29°05′至33°20′,东经108°21′至 116°07′;北接河南省,东连安徽省,东南和南邻江西、湖南两省,西靠重庆市,西北与陕西省为邻。东西长约740公里,南北宽约470公里,面积 18.59万平方公里,占全国总面积的1.95%,居全国第13位。省会是中部地区唯一的副省级城市--武汉市。
Howth Head
Howth Head (Ceann Binn Éadair in Irish) is a headland north east of Dublin City. Entry to the headland is at Sutton, a residential suburb of Dublin, while village of Howth and the harbour are on the northern shore. Originally an island, Howth Head is connected to the mainland via a narrow strip of land, and forms th...
Stone Dragon Waterfall 石龍飛瀑
Stone Dragon Waterfall 石龍飛瀑
Schokland is a former island in the Dutch Zuiderzee. Schokland lost its status as an island when the Noordoostpolder was reclaimed from the sea in 1942. The remains are still visible as a slightly elevated part in the polder and by the still partly intact retaining wall of the waterfront of 'Middelbuurt'. As a resul...
Cappadocia is a part of central Turkey. Eruptions of several volcanoes (e.g. Erciyes Dag, Hasan Dag) had covered the area with tuff. Erosion dug valleys and created an uncountable number of different shaped rocks. The tuff's ability to store water made the valleys much more fertile than the higher surroundings. Afte...
Die Wachau ist ein 36 km langes Durchbruchstal entlang der Donau. Sie entstand, weil die Donau zwischen Emmersdorf und Melk im Westen sowie Stein und Mautern im Osten den Dunkelsteinerwald vom Waldviertel abtrennt und sich so an manchen Stellen mehr als 700 m tief in die Rumpfgebirgslandschaft der Böhmischen Masse e...