Sta. Maria degli Angeli

Stereoscopic 3D views taken in June 2017 in the Basilica of Blessed Mary of the Angels and All Martyrs, built inside the anacient Roman Baths of Diocletian and designed by Michaelangelo. Monochome anaglyphs to be viewed with red/cyan glasses; others on VR headset or with a screen stereoscope using a WebXR enabled browser.

Stereoscopic 3D  panorama to be viewed with red/cyan glasses.
Inside Santa Maria degli Angeli e di Tutti Martiri there is a remarkable astronomical instrument created at the turn of the 19th Century "to regulate the clocks of Rome".  It is basically a giant sundial that only shows the time at noon, but measu...
The Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and the Martyrs may have Rome's most interesting marble floor.  In the middle is this beautiful Orb and Cross, and  a giant sidereal instrument known as the Meridien of Rome runs diagonally across it.  At noo...
Black and white anaglyph to be viewed with red/cyan glasses. There is a full color version of this panorama, that can be viewed in 2D on any device, and in 3D on a stereoscope or VR headset.