About this photo
This image was created from 3,000 individual photos stitched together into a single image that is 280,000 x 140,000 pixels. That's around 40 gigapixels, or 40,000 megapixels. If you printed this photo it would be 23 meters (or 78 feet) long!
To control this image, use the controls on the screen or click and hold your mouse button on the photo, and move your mouse around. To zoom in and out, use your mouse wheel, or the "Shift" and "Control" keys. Be sure to zoom in all the way to see the full detail of the photo!
If you would like us to create a large gigapixel panorama like you see here, please contact 360Cities.
Download our press release and media package here. The package includes snapshots from this panorama, which you can use in your publication.
Download press release Download media package
How big is this image, really?
Why did we make it?
Will you print this image? Can I see that?
Can you make more photos like this?
Read about these and other questions and answers on our blog. You can also read about commissions and licensing, and how to make panoramas yourself.
Commission a gigapixel like this one
We will shoot and deliver a specially commissioned spherical gigapixel photo for you to use in connection with your marketing campaign, tourism promotion, etc. It's a great way to generate publicity. Read more here.
About 360cities.net
We show you the world's most beautiful places in 360º.
We publish, license, and distribute the world's largest collection of geolocated panoramic photos, created by our talented community of member photographers.
We offer businesses of all sizes a beautiful presence on the Web through our PRO Member photographers. If you want to order panoramic photos or a virtual tour of your business, please contact us.
If you are a photographer and you want to publish your own panoramas on 360Cities, you can join us.
If you would like to learn more about licensing panoramic photos from 360Cities (or commissioning new ones) for advertising, Film VFX, or stock photography, please contact us.