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库车大峡谷国家地质公园 1

Tianshan Kuqa Grand Canyon also called Keziliya valley, located in the Aksu region in northern Kuqa, from east to west in depth is about 5.5 kilometers long. A reddish-brown rock carving by wind and rain, canyon winding path leading to a secluded spot, where can see a new world, the mountain body is various, the open sky, overlapping ditch with the valley. Nantian valley, ghost valley, crescent gorge, tiger tooth bridge and Motian cave such landscape modeling is vivid.1.4 km away from the cliff, there is a Tang dynasty grottoes. On the south and north, west of grottoes wall remaining murals and Chinese characters, and is 700 meters from canyon accompany by the mysterious valley.


Tianshan Kuqu ValleyTianshan Grand Canyon is really worthy of sightseeing, scientifically exploring and ancient civilization studying. It is awarded the title of National Forest Park, National Sports and Leisure Base, National AAAA level scenic spot, Autonomous Region National Fitness Sports Training Base, Autonomous Region foot motion base and Autonomous regions nationwide fitness mountaineering training base.
Tianshan mysterious canyon combines with deep, remote, static as a whole that people who are personally on the scene all praise it. Grand Canyon is composed of reddish-brown vast mountain group, uyghur called “Keziliya” means red cliff, actually it is formed by one hundred million years of wind and rain erosion, flash flood scouring, is rare natural dry land places of scenic spot in China.

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Copyright: 大河
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 8000x4000
Taken: 23/09/2018
上传: 28/12/2018


Tags: canyon; geopark; kuqa
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新疆位于我国西北边疆,自治区首府乌鲁木齐。新疆深居亚洲内陆,西跨帕米尔高原。新疆有我国最大的沙漠塔克拉玛干沙漠和我国最低的盆地吐鲁番盆地,还有我国内陆最长的河塔里木河。温带大陆性干旱气候。新疆主要城市有首府乌鲁木齐,石油名城克拉玛依。 新疆名胜有天山天池,吐鲁番的火焰山,喀什清真寺等。 新疆北部有阿尔泰山,南部有昆仑山、喀喇昆仑山和阿尔金山。 天山,作为新 疆象征,横贯中部,形成南部的塔里木盆地和北部的准噶尔盆地。习惯上把天山以南地区叫南疆,天山以北地区叫北疆,把哈密、吐鲁番盆地叫东疆。 新疆三大山脉的积雪、冰川孕育汇集为500多条河流,分布于天山南北的盆地,其中较大的有塔里木河、伊犁河、额尔齐斯河、玛纳斯河、乌伦古河、开都河等20多条。许多河流的两岸,都有无数的绿洲,田园阡陌,村镇相望,颇富“十里桃花万杨柳”的塞外风光。这是新疆各族人民世世代代生息活动的主要基地。新疆有许多自然景观优美的湖泊,总面积达9,700平方公里,占全疆总面积的0.6%以上,其中有著名的十大湖泊:博斯腾湖、艾比湖、布伦托海、阿雅格库里湖、赛里木湖、阿其格库勒湖、鲸鱼湖、吉力湖、阿克萨依湖、艾西曼湖。  新疆境内绵连的雪岭,林立的冰峰,形成了独具特色的大冰川,共计1.86万余条,总面积2.4万多平方公里,占全国冰川面积的42%,冰储量2.58亿立方米,是新疆的天然“固体水库”。 新疆的水资源极为丰富,人均占有量居全国前列,有待于大力开发。 大沙漠占全国沙漠面积的2/3,其中塔克拉玛干沙漠的面积为33.67万平方公里,是我国最大的沙漠,为世界第二大流动沙漠,仅次于阿拉伯半岛上的鲁卜哈利沙漠。 准噶尔盆地的古尔班通古特沙漠,面积48,000平方公里,为我国第二大沙漠。新疆沙漠中蕴藏着丰富的油气资源和矿产资源。 中国最干、最热、最冷的地方都在新疆。中国最长的内陆河、最低的洼地、最大的沙漠也在新疆。 在新疆可以观赏举世闻名的雅丹地貌、风蚀蘑菇、洞穴、石林以及沙漠中的海市蜃楼、飞沙鸣叫等独特的自然景观。新疆还有无数珍稀的荒漠动植物供游客观赏。

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