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1、且依石欄觀飛瀑, 再渡云橋訪爵松。
庚申秋 散步登臨 觸景興杯 爰留鴻爪 種蔗老圃
2、曲徑通幽處, 連山到海隅。
丁未清和月 楚北天門劉先登集
光緒丁酉秋 無棣崔鐘善
光緒丙申六月十一日 蕭山汪望庚 會籍周慶熊 同登岱頂 經此小憩
5、斷崖瀑落晴天兩 一線路入青宴端
1、風塵奔走 歷盡艱辛思跪乳;因果研究 積成功德敢朝山。
宣統元年梅月吉日 玉田士隱劉振聲撰并書
2、跋險驚心 到此浮雲成夢幻; 登高極目 從茲俗慮自消沉。
宣統元年秋九月上浣 歷城劉光照撰并書
Shandong, ancient place of for the Qi and Lu, located at the east China coast, the Yellow River downstream, the Beijing Hangzhou big canal's north section, the provincial capital supposes in Jinan, in the province the main super city has Jinan, Qingdao, Yantai, Zibo. Western connects the interior, with Hebei, Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu four provinces borders on separately from north to south; Middle high suddenly, Taishan is the throughout peak; The eastern Shandong Peninsula enters Yellow Sea, north separates the Bohai Sea channel and the Liaodong Peninsula relative, surrounds and protects Beijing and Tianjin and Persian Gulf, east separates Yellow Sea and the Korean Peninsula faces one another, the southeast is near depends on broad Yellow Sea, to look out south East China Sea and Japan the chain islands.