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马田鼓楼 马田鼓楼位于湖南通道侗族自治县东南32公里的坪阳乡马田村,始建于清顺治年间(1644—1661)。原称:田心寨鼓楼,清咸丰年间(1851—1861)大修。民国二十七年(1948年)复修。1959年,湖南省人民政府将鼓楼公布为省级文物保护单位。1961年,田心寨与马安寨合并为马田村,田心寨鼓楼因此更名为马田鼓楼。1984年,落架大修时在鼓楼南、北两侧增建偏楼以撑持加固。1998年维修。 马田鼓楼坐东朝西,占地面积240平方米,通高18.72米,为两层九重密檐攒尖葫芦顶塔式木楼,顶层为八角,其余层均为四坡屋面,覆小青瓦。南北对称偏楼为歇山顶式,其顶部檐口与主楼的第二层平行,而下一层檐口与主楼第一层连接,形成底层空间,二层戏台。主楼八根檐柱只至第一檐,从第二檐起,以0.3米内收瓜柱代替檐柱,依次上升至第六檐,并与四根金柱顶端持平;七、八、九檐依次内收,全部承托于金柱上;第九层顶部为八角攒尖葫芦顶。楼内挑枋、柱、瓜形式各异,错落有致。一至三层的横枋上分别雕刻“物华天宝,国泰民安、吉星高照”等楷书立体字。各层屋面檐口挂接的封檐板上彩绘彩绘花纹卷草图案,线条明快,色彩绚丽,构成排列有序而又主次分明的艺术装饰,不失为土著文化艺术的珍品。一至八层翼角上,分别塑有虎、龙、蛇、凤等象征吉祥、幸福的泥塑像,神态各异,栩栩如生。美丽的装饰和精巧的造型,使鼓楼显得更加典雅端庄。 马田鼓楼是民众集会议事和歇息的场所,是侗寨的建筑标志之一。具有极高的建筑艺术价值和浓厚的地方特色。1996年11月,国务院将马田鼓楼公布为第四批全国重点文物保护单位。
Copyright: Traver Gui
Type: Spherical
Resolution: 9728x4864
Taken: 30/03/2017
Uploaded: 06/04/2017
Published: 06/04/2017


More About The World

Welcome to Earth! It's a planet having an iron core, with two-thirds of its surface covered by water. Earth orbits a local star called the Sun, the light of which generates the food supply for all the millions of species of life on earth. The dominant species on Earth is the human being, and you're one of the six billion of them! Humans have iron in their blood, and their bodies are composed of two-thirds water, just like the planet they live on. The physical composition of the Earth, its people and everything on it contains an electro-magnetic field which is not yet fully understood. Theories and legends about the origin of Earth, people and life itself abound, however they are not commonly discussed. The bulk of earth's people spend their time immersed in daily activities, leaving the big questions for later. "Who are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going? How will we get there?" Many religions and philosophies have attempted to answer these questions over the years, but so far none has given an answer that everyone on the planet can accept. In contrast to all the disagreement, the similarities among people on earth are far, far greater than any differences. Welcome again to Earth! Enjoy your stay, and try to stay calm.

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