Stephane Desnault


Paris, France, Europe
keer bekeken: 151,177
About Stephane

I am a (mostly) amateur photographer lucky enough to travel often professionally. Whenever I'm travelling I'm bringing my tripod and camera along, so I can shoot panoramas. I plan to upload most of my non-profit panos here.

I also shoot panos professionally for corporations or institutions - sadly I'm not allowed to post them here for most of them. References include Nokia and BNP Paribas.

I started taking pictures and panoramas in 2005. My first setup was a Nikon D50, the NN3 pano head and the Sigma 10-20mm zoom. I've since upgraded to a Nikon D800E, the NN5 and the Nikkor 14-24 zoom, which is nowadays my main shooting gear. Along the way, I also owned a D3, which is an awesome camera. The D800E shoots more pixels, with a better dynamic range, but I long for the "built like a tank, never fails" feel of the D3.

In many of my panos I make a liberal use of HDR - I usually shoot several exposures (from 3 to 9), and decide at post-processing time whether or not to use HDR. With the D800E, and visibly better dynamic range, I only seldom have to resort to HDR, especially as tools got better too at extracting highlights and shadows from Raw files (LR4).

Software-wise, my workflow uses Lightroom, Photomatix where applicable, and a liberal pinch of Photoshop. DxO was a must to remove non-linear distorsions from the images coming out of the 14-24, until the same feature became available in Lightroom. To stitch images, I'm now using Autopano Pro, after several years of using Realviz Stitcher.