damian macy

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The Best Safelane Heroes in Dota 2


I'm going to be totally honest with you and say that when it comes to the best Safelane heroes in Dota 2 there are really no" constants." In fact, this goes counter to what most Dota fans would believe. We're used to seeing heroes like Faceless Remnant or Nature's Defender being able to dominate games with their sheer dominance. I think that this dominance is a bit dependent on the type of support they're playing with, because there are so many different types of supports in Dota 2. Let's take a look at the most popular supports and see what makes them dota 2 behaviour score.


Invoker is an interesting type of support. Basically, he's an off-lane monster. He has a high attack speed and moves faster than you'll probably ever get on your own creeps, which makes him extremely scary to deal with. However, his health regen isn't very high, so Invoker is not as valuable as he used to be. Be wary of getting close to him as he can get really annoying.


Weaver is another useful support. Since she requires vision to be able to place creeps, she can basically keep an area alive and safe while also creating illusions that can slow down enemy movement or even get them to go somewhere that you want them to go. As with Invoker, we're always a bit apprehensive about putting her in the middle of our creeps as she can be really hard to deal with once she starts going in on dota 2 boosting.


Anti-caster heroes are similar to the previous category, but instead of focusing on the creeps they focus on the creeps around them. The most common anti-casters in pubs are Sniper and Lancer, who can take out creeps quickly while also dealing with a ton of damage to the enemy. It's important to note that while you can build up mana by using spells, the spells will not do much when you're against a ranged class like Lancer. If you're going to be focusing on the creeps, make sure you're using your abilities on yourself as well to prevent taking too much damage from your opponent's. Just use your abilities when you need to rather than wasting mana on spells that will hardly ever affect the creeps you're dota 2 mmr.


Bounty hunters are another effective way to play the best safelane hero in Dota 2. They have the ability to quickly move between lanes, focusing on creeps that are weak to attack and then quickly moving back to safety. They excel in both early game pressure and late-game tealights, as their high mobility means that they can easily maneuver from one side of the map to the other. The only thing to consider when using bounty hunters is that they will need to be careful not to get picked off as they leave their lane.


The Tinker is an amazing support hero in the game. Although he cannot directly save you from creeps, the Tink can keep you from losing your creeps. When you're pushed off of your creeps, you can run down the side of the creeps and use the blink spell on yourself to get back to safety. The Tinker can also use the Smoke of Deceit to disguise himself and go back to the lane you were used to, as long as you've got a way of teleporting yourself back safely. He can also deny creeps and Teleportation using the Control Ward spell.


Finally, the Sniper is probably the best safelane hero in Dota 2. The ability to snare units or creeps using the Silencer's spells and then jump back makes him invaluable in controlling the creep wave. If you play against heroes that have problems dealing with large groups of creeps, the Sniper can be very useful.


These are the best 5 heroes in terms of who can provide the most benefits to your team. There are obviously more specific roles that come into play, but this list should help you narrow down your search. If you want to play a specific role, think about whether or not it would benefit your team. If it's not relevant, consider focusing your attention dota 2 boost service.



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