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Howth Head
Howth Head (Ceann Binn Éadair in Irish) is a headland north east of Dublin City. Entry to the headland is at Sutton, a residential suburb of Dublin, while village of Howth and the harbour are on the northern shore. Originally an island, Howth Head is connected to the mainland via a narrow strip of land, and forms th...
Campos do Jordão
My city is one of the highest in the country, is in the hills of Serra da Mantiqueira with altitude until 2.000m above sea line. It is famous for cold, despite being a tropical country, we have in our winter temperatures like -3, -5 degrees Celsius. For this reason our winter festival (international festival of clas...
Bora Bora
Bora Bora is an island in the Leeward group of the Society Islands of French Polynesia, an overseas collectivity of France in the Pacific Ocean. The island, located about 230 kilometres (140 mi) northwest of Papeete, is surrounded by a lagoon and a barrier reef. In the center of the island are the remnants of an ext...
Central Park
Faroe Islands
Location and size Situated in the heart of the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic at 62°00’N, the Faroe Islands lie northwest of Scotland and halfway between Iceland and Norway. The archipelago is composed of 18 islands covering 1399 km2 (545.3 sq.miles) and is 113 km (70 miles) long and 75 km (47 miles) wide, roughl...
位置: 天津市处于国际时区的东八区。北起蓟县黄崖关,南至大港区翟庄子沧浪渠,南北长189公里;东起汉沽区洒金坨以东陡河西干渠,西至静海县子牙河王进庄以西滩德干渠,东西宽117公里。天津市域面积11760.26平方公里,疆域周长约1290.8公里,海岸线长153公里,陆界长1137.48公里。 旅游资源: 天津旅游资源丰富。有著名的津门十景,十景包括——独乐晨光、故里寻踪、沽水流霞、海门古塞、蓟北雄关、龙潭浮翠、三盘暮雨、双城醉月、天塔旋云、中环彩练 。 人文景观: 天津是著名的历史文化名城。现有全国重点文物保护单位15处,包括独乐寺、大沽口炮台、望海楼教堂、义和团吕祖堂坛口遗址等。其中,独乐寺坐落在蓟县,始建于唐,重建于公元9...
360° panoramic photography of Cologne