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Российская Федерация
Just in case you mistakenly heard that it was all ice and snow in Russia, take a peek at the Big Bikini Exposition. This is right on the river Moskva in Moscow!Moscow has been the capital of Russia for almost its entire history. The exception is during the period of the Russian Empire, which lasted from 1721 until t...
North America
North America includes Mexico, the United States, Canada, and Gotham City.The region temporarily existed as a Protectorate of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Norton I, with its capital being the city of San Francisco. Sadly, this term of benevolent ebullience lasted a brief two decades and ended c. 1880.The United Stat...
Kalkan Harbour Beach
Columbia River Gorge
Sakaiminato City
Асуан - верховье Нила
Part of the Holy Land, Egypt offers a fascinating mixture of ancient pyramids, temples and other religious monuments. There are numerous possibilities to explore Egypt from desert treks to trips down the Nile or scuba diving in the Red Sea and along the Sinai coast. Cairo, which means “The Triumphant”, is home to th...
North-East Polder
The North-East Polder is a municipality in the Flevoland province in the central Netherlands. The history of this specific ‘polder’ goes back to 1918 when the Dutch government decided to reclaim this part of the Zuiderzee (Dutch for Southern Sea). On 14 June 1918, the Zuiderzee Act, which provided for the enclosure ...
City of Wells
Wells is the second smallest cathedral city in England (after the City of London) and was founded in 1205. It is located at the foot of the Mendip Hills in Somerset.  It was named after the fact that there are three wells in the city closely associated with the cathedral.
New York City
Overview and HistoryNew York was invented by time-traveling punks from across the galaxy so they could show up there in 1977, smash some guitars and then overdose on heroin to die in the East Village, according to prophecy.The historic origins of the city go back to long before the American Revolution. Let's take a ...
Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City Utah, cradle in between the Wasatch and the Oquirrh Mountains, Home of the 2002 winter Olympics and the Greatest Snow on earth. The Salt Lake Metro Area stretches between Bountiful and Bluffdale Utah
г.Анапа, Anapa city
г.Анапа и все что рядом
City of Melbourne
Ubatuba - North of São Paulo
Ubatuba possui algumas das mais belas praias do litoral norte de São Paulo, Com 95 praias para todos os gostos, conta ainda com o Projeto Tamar de proteção das tartarugas e um aquario para visitação!
Ма́лые Коре́лы — государственный музей деревянного зодчества и народного искусства северных районов России.
Ма́лые Коре́лы — государственный музей деревянного зодчества и народного искусства северных районов России. Музей под открытым небом расположен в Архангельской области, на правом берегу Северной Двины (в месте впадения реки Корелка), в 28 км к югу от центра Архангельска. Площадь территории музея — 139,8 га. Основан ...
Zilina city and it's city parts. First written information about Zilina city is dated to year 1208.more informations http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zilina
Датой основания города Вологда считается 1147 год, в котором было сделано первое упоминание в летописях преподобного Герасима. Несомненно, что город был основан ранее, но письменное тому подтверждение датировано лишь 1147 годом. Однако историками эта версия основания города не признаётся. Эта дата впервые зафиксиров...
Lagrasse is a medieval village in the South of France, overlooking the Orbieu river. A bridge was originally built over the river in the 12th century. The Benedictine Abbey in the town was founded in 880AD. Many of the houses in Lagrasse date back to the 11th century.
Slavonski Brod
Slavonski Brod is a city in Croatia. In Roman times known as the village Marsonia. Between 1244 - 1934 known as Brod na Savi. It is located in the northeast of Croatia, in the region of Slavonia. This is the industrial, cultural, administrative, judicial and financial center of Brodsko-Posavska Zupanija County.     ...
Overview and HistoryDublin finds its beginnings over one thousand years ago in a Viking settlement named Eblana. Remnants of old walls and buildings can be seen today in Wood Quay in the modern city's center.In the Battle of Dublin of 919 AD, Celtic armies fought against Danish Vikings, after which the Danish began ...
Калужская область
Калу́жская о́бласть — субъект Российской Федерации. Граничит с Московской, Тульской, Брянской, Смоленской, Орловской областями. Область образована указом Президиума Верховного Совета СССР от 5 июля 1944 года. В состав области были включены: из Тульской области — город Калуга, Бабынинский, Детчинский, Дугнинский, Кал...
Die liebenswerte Kleinstadt Lorch, mit ca. 11.000 Einwohnern, im Herzen des Stauferlandes liegt am westlichen Rand des Ostalbkreises in Baden-Württemberg. Die Stadt wird durch ihre römische und staufersche Vergangenheit geprägt. Das Wahrzeichen der Stadt, das Kloster Lorch, liegt weit sichtbar auf einer Anhöhe über ...
Поленово и Бёхово
олее 100 лет на высоком холме над Окой стоит трехэтажный белый дом. Его архитектура своеобразна и оригинальна. Этот дом был построен в 1892 году по проекту Василия Дмитриевича Поленова, знаменитого русского живописца. Еще в 1887 году Поленов писал: "Мечтаю о домике а берегу Оки об том; как мы его устроим; как мы там...