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South America
South America makes up the southern half of the Americas and a large part of Latin America. It's home to the world's longest mountain range, biggest waterfall and largest river -- even these mammoths pale in comparison to the stunning variety of life forms thriving in the rainforest. To the northwest, off the coast ...
South Africa
South Tyrol (Bolzano-Bozen)
La Provincia autonoma di Bolzano - Alto Adige (in tedesco Autonome Provinz Bozen - Südtirol, in ladino Provinzia Autonòma de Bulsan - Südtirol) è una delle due parti costituenti la regione italiana del Trentino-Alto Adige.Assieme al Trentino, al Tirolo Settentrionale ed al Tirolo Orientale, l'Alto Adige costituisce ...
Durban is a coastal city of South Africa with very active harbour serving as transport portal for much of South Africa, particularly Gauteng.  
Scottsdale Waterfront
This downtown Scottsdale district stretches along the south side of the revamped Arizona Canal on west Stetson?Drive. The creation of developer Fred Unger, Southbridge is a $41 million urban, pedestrian-friendly development notable?because it only has independently-owned boutiques and restaurants; there are no chain...
Eyre Peninsula
Eyre Peninsula is bordered by Spencer Gulf and Great Australian Bight with over 2,000 kilometres of coastline for fishing, whale watching, watersports, swimming with sea lions or diving with sharks.  
Yorke Peninsula
努美阿是南太平洋岛国新喀里多尼亚的首府和度假旅游中心。虽然这是一座“法国”城市,但其91000名居民却有着非常复杂的文化背景,法国、美拉尼西亚、波利尼西亚、印尼、越南等文化在这里交相辉映。新喀里多尼亚 60% 以上的人口居住在努美阿。 努美阿是一个位于大地岛西南端的半岛,其中央商业区(市中心)毗邻南太平洋最好的天然港口。半岛的泻湖一侧有两处风景如画、覆盖着白色沙滩的海湾,分别为安斯巴塔海湾和柠檬湾。这一对“双子海湾”是新喀里多尼亚的国际旅游之都,在凯城酒店的陆地一侧是林立的酒店、餐馆和酒吧。法国人于1854年最先来此定居。努美阿至今仍在政治上与法国保持着紧密的联系。这里有非常好的学校和公共设施——公园、娱乐场所、晨练小径、学校...