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Pyramid Hill 大金鐘
Pyramid Hill also known as Tai Kam Chung 大金鐘 rising up 536m above sea level is located at Ma On Shan Country Park, Eastern New Territories.
Capital as well as cultural and business center of the Piedmont region, Turin is famous as headquarters of Fiat and Lancia, birthplace of Telecom Italia and Rai television and host of the 2006 Winter Olympics. Turin has a modern public transport infrastructure so it is easy to get to architectural sites and museums,...
Kaleici / Antalya
Antalya Kaleici Virtual reality tour of  Kaleici , Antalya / TURKEY KALEICI : the historical center of ANTALYA ; now restored as the touristic centre of the city with its hotels, bars, clubs, restaurants, and shopping. KALEICI retains much of its historical character and the restoration won the Golden Apple Prize, t...
浙江省为中国的一个省,地处中国东南沿海长江三角洲南翼,东临东海,南接福建,西与江西、安徽相连,北与上海、江苏接壤。境内最大的河流钱塘江,因江流曲折,称之江,又称浙江,省以江名,简称“浙”。省会杭州市。浙江省东西和南北的直线距离均为450公里左右,陆域面积10.18万平方公里,为全国的1.06%,是中国面积最小的省份之一。下辖杭州、宁波2个副省级城市,温州、绍兴、湖州、嘉兴、金华、衢州、台州、丽水、舟山9个地级市,共11个省辖市。 浙江省位于中国东南沿海,介于北纬27度12分-31度31分和东经118度-123度之间,东濒东海,南界福建,西与江西、安徽相连,北与上海,江苏为邻。东西与南北的直线距离均为450公里,陆域面积10.1...
Moorea is a high island in French Polynesia, part of the Society Islands, 17 km (roughly 9mi) northwest of Tahiti. Moorea means "yellow lizard" in Tahitian. An older name for the island is Aimeho, sometimes spelled Aimeo or Eimeo (among other spellings misunderstood by early visitors with no knowledge of the languag...