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The Islamic Republic of Iran has been occupied since 4000BCE, making Iran home to the world's oldest continuous civilization.It is located in central Eurasia on two ancient trade routes. One runs North-South and connects the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf, the other one goes East-West between China, India, Europe a...
West Bank
Nord Iran
Isle Of Man
City of Wells
Wells is the second smallest cathedral city in England (after the City of London) and was founded in 1205. It is located at the foot of the Mendip Hills in Somerset.  It was named after the fact that there are three wells in the city closely associated with the cathedral.
City of Melbourne
VI Region of Chile
Sexta Región de Chile - Región del Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme
Fuerstentum Liechtenstein
Flanieren sie virtuell durch die historische und zugleich moderne Stadt Vaduz. Es erwartet sie ein flächendeckendes 360° Erlebnis in und um die Hauptstadt von Liechtenstein.
Out of this World
The planet Earth has proven to be too limiting for our awesome community of panorama photographers. We're getting an increasing number of submissions that depict locations either not on Earth (like Mars, the Moon, and Outer Space in general) or do not realistically represent a geographic location on Earth (either be...
Ubatuba - North of São Paulo
Ubatuba possui algumas das mais belas praias do litoral norte de São Paulo, Com 95 praias para todos os gostos, conta ainda com o Projeto Tamar de proteção das tartarugas e um aquario para visitação!
The University of Melbourne, Parkville Campus
The Parkville campus of The University of Melbourne.
Kremenchuk Flight College of National Aviation University
Кременчугский лётный колледж Национального авиационного университета
Malyje Korely (russ. Ма́лые Коре́лы) ist ein Freilichtmuseum nahe Archangelsk in Nordrussland.
Das Museum liegt am rechten Ufer der Nördlichen Dwina unweit der Einmündung des Flüsschens Korelka, etwa 25 Kilometer südöstlich von Archangelsk. Das beim Museum gelegene Dorf nennt sich in leicht abweichender Schreibweise Malyje Karely. Das Museum nimmt eine Fläche von 139,8 Hektar ein. Das Freilichtmuseum ist eine...
L'Aquila: a virtual tour of the Red Zone after the April 6th, 2009 earthquake
Tabriz is the fourth most populated city in Iran after Tehran, Mashhad & Isfahan with a population of 1,378,935. The city is the largest for Iranian Turk people. Discovered bodies from excavates around Blue mosqe of Tabriz show that the city dates back 3000 years. Most of Tabrizi people speak "Azerbaijani Turkic...
Overview and HistoryDublin finds its beginnings over one thousand years ago in a Viking settlement named Eblana. Remnants of old walls and buildings can be seen today in Wood Quay in the modern city's center.In the Battle of Dublin of 919 AD, Celtic armies fought against Danish Vikings, after which the Danish began ...
Azerbaijan is a geographical name. On the one hand this name is linked with the population, which lived in this region for thousand of years before our era, and who were mostly fire-worshippers. Local population considered that fire was their God and so they worshipped the fire. "Azer" means fire. The Turkic name "A...
Overview and HistoryTehran is the capital of Iran and the largest city in the Middle East, with a population of fifteen million people living under the peaks of the Alborz mountain range.Although archaeological evidence places human activity around Tehran back into the years 6000BC, the city was not mentioned in any...
History and OverviewIsfahan is located in central Iran, equidistant from the Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea. It sits on both the east-west and north-south trade routes which traverse the country.Isfahan has artifacts dating back to the Paleolithic period, and written history going back to ancient Aspandana. At one...
Nui Maynooth
The campus of the National University of Ireland, Maynooth (NUIM). Website:
Die iranische Großstadt Schiraz ist die Hauptstadt der zentralen Südprovinz Fars und gehört zu den fünf größten Städten Irans.Sie liegt etwa 700 km südlich von Teheran im südlichen Zagrosgebirge auf etwa 1500 m ü. NN. Das Klima ist relativ angenehm und mild. Man nennt die für ihre Gartenkultur berühmte Stadt den Gar...
Die altpersische Residenzstadt Persepolis (persisch تخت جمشيد‎Tacht-e Dschamschid „Thron des Dschamschid“, altpers.: Parseh) war die Hauptstadt des antiken Perserreichs unter den Achämeniden und wurde 520 v. Chr. von Dareios I. im Süden des heutigen Iran in der Region Persis gegründet. Der Name „Persepolis“ stammt a...