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This is the historical central area of Hanoi, capital of Hanoi. Hanoi estimated population 3,398,889 (2007), is the capital and second-largest city of Vietnam. From 1010 until 1802, with a few brief interruptions, it was the political centre of an independent Vietnam. It was eclipsed by Huế during the Nguyen Dynasty...
Bucknell University
Bucknell University is a private liberal arts university located alongside the West Branch Susquehanna River in the rolling countryside of Central Pennsylvania in the town of Lewisburg, 30 miles (48 km) southeast of Williamsport and 60 miles (97 km) north of Harrisburg. The university consists of the College of Arts...
West Lake, Hanoi
Pyramid Hill 大金鐘
Pyramid Hill also known as Tai Kam Chung 大金鐘 rising up 536m above sea level is located at Ma On Shan Country Park, Eastern New Territories.
The University of Melbourne, Parkville Campus
The Parkville campus of The University of Melbourne. http://www.unimelb.edu.au/
Kremenchuk Flight College of National Aviation University
Кременчугский лётный колледж Национального авиационного университета
Nui Maynooth
The campus of the National University of Ireland, Maynooth (NUIM). Website: http://www.nuim.ie
Wikipedia: Erlangen is a Middle Franconian city in Bavaria, Germany. It is located at the confluence of the river Regnitz and its large tributary, the Untere Schwabach. Erlangen has more than 100,000 inhabitants.Erlangen is today dominated by the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and the numerous branch offices of Si...
山西位于太行山之西,黄河以东。山西之名,因居太行山之西而得名。自古被称为“表里山河”。春秋时期,大部分地区为晋国所有,所以简称“晋”;战国初期,韩、赵、魏三家分晋,因而又称“三晋”。全省总面积15.6万平方公里,总人口近3400万人,现辖太原、大同、朔州、阳泉、长治、忻州、吕梁、晋中、临汾、运城、晋城等11个地级市,共 85个县,11个县级市,23个市辖区。省会太原,省政府驻太原市府东街。 山西是厚重的黄河文化的主要代表之一。古人类文化遗址、帝都古城、宝刹禅院、石窟碑碣、雕塑壁画、古塔古墓、佛道圣地、险堡关隘以及革命文物、史迹等,从 北到南、珠串全省,构成了山西古今兼备,丰富多彩的人文景观。目前,全国保存完好的宋、金以前的地面...