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Yunnan Province in southwest China border, the provincial capital Kunming. Warring States period, this is the Dian tribe fowl. Yunnan, namely, "Caiyunzhinan"and the other argument is that because in the "Yunling of the South " is named. The total area of about 39 million square kilometers, accounting for 4.11% of to...
Greater Cape Town
«Malye Korely» Museum of Wooden Architecture and Folk Art
Das Museum liegt am rechten Ufer der Nördlichen Dwina unweit der Einmündung des Flüsschens Korelka, etwa 25 Kilometer südöstlich von Archangelsk. Das beim Museum gelegene Dorf nennt sich in leicht abweichender Schreibweise Malyje Karely. Das Museum nimmt eine Fläche von 139,8 Hektar ein. Das Freilichtmuseum ist eine...
Stralsund is a german city which is located at the Baltic Sea south of germans largest island Rügen (or Rugia). It was granted town privileges in 1234. Since 2002 the centre of the city is listed as a world heritage site by the UNESCO.
La Jolla
Known as "The Jewel", La Jolla offers one of the worlds top ten beaches.  The scenic coast line, rocky cliffs, under water perserve, fantastic dining and shopping are all reasons to visit.
  Der brandenburgische Landkreis Uckermark ist mit 3.058 km² der nach Fläche größte Landkreis in Deutschland. Der Landkreis Uckermark liegt im äußersten Nordosten des Landes Brandenburg an der Grenze zur Republik Polen. Das Gebiet des Landkreises deckt den überwiegenden Teil der seenreichen Region Uckermark ab, der ...
Persepolis (Persian: تخت جمشید/پارسه) was the ceremonial capital of the Persian Empire during the Achaemenid dynasty. Persepolis is situated 70 km northeast of the modern city of Shiraz in the Fars Province of modern Iran. In contemporary Persian, the site is known as Takht-e Jamshid (Throne of Jamshid) and Parseh. ...
Pasargadae was a city in ancient Persia, and is today an archaeological site and one of Iran's UNESCO World Heritage Sites.It was the first capital of the Achaemenid Empire and lies in the Fars province, 43 kilometers from Persepolis. The construction began around 546 BCE. The tomb of Cyrus' son and successor, Camby...