
Este burgo amuralhado, com ocupação humana desde a pré-história, desenvolveu-se sobretudo no período medieval a partir de dois eixos: um eixo militar e um eixo religioso. Após a sua reconquista aos mouros, o primeiro rei de Portugal doou-o à sua filha D. Teresa, que em 1180 lhe atribuiu o primeiro foral e o seu escudo de armas, dando origem ao brasão de Ourém. No decurso da elevação da vila a cabeça de condado, o terceiro conte, D. Nuno Álvares Pereira, e sobretudo o quarto conde D. Afonso (seu neto e neto do rei D. João I), imprimiu-lhe grande fulgor. Este ilustre do século XV foi responsável pela construção e consolidação dos principais monumentos do burgo. Ali instituiu a colegiada e erguei o paço dos condes de Ourém para instalar a sua residência. Este monumento nacional, composto por uma torre central de dois torreões, espalha a presença, já então do transnacionalismo de Ourém e a visão vanguardista de D. Afonso, que lhe imprimiu influências da arquitetura norte-africana e italiana. Este 4º conde recuperou o castelo de Ourém, composto por três torres, cujo recinto acolhe uma cisterna que conserva água durante o ano interior, sobressaindo ainda a torre de D. Mécia, onde a rainha terá estado retida, devido ao que aconteceu durante o reinado de D. Sancho II. Quando o rei casou com D. Mécia Lopes de Haro, os partidários do infante D. Afonso, preocupados com a possibilidade de vir a advir algum descendente ilegítimo desta união, decidiram raptá-la e encarcerá-la nessa torre, onde permaneceu até se retirar para Castela, onde continuou a intitular-se de rainha de Portugal, até à sua morte. Construiu ainda a fonte gótica, um belo exemplar do gótico em Portugal, na qual as invasões francesas deixaram marcas da sua passagem por Ourém ao decapitarem a cabeça da águia que integra o brasão de armas.

Built in 1259 under the patronage of King D. Afonso III, the church became the largest example of the Gothic mendicant of Santarém, the result of the royal funding of Queen Santa Isabel and D. Dinis, her husband. These supports will have defined h...
It was built in the area belonging to the walled complex of Santarém, specifically next to the port of Leiria. The space was occupied by the Royal Palace, but D. João IV made his donation to the Jesuits, for the construction of a Temple. The façad...
Franciscan convent with planimetry and volumes characteristic of the Gothic mendicant. The Gothic cloister is joined by interventions made in the 15th and 16th centuries, like the three Manueline portals in the West and East wings.
Mountain castle, with elements of the Romanesque and Gothic style, was originally integrated by the alcáçova enclosure and the town wall, defended by a barbican. They also owned the Ribeira and Alfange riverside neighborhoods. The village fence wa...
The building of the Church of Nossa Senhora da Assunção de Marvila is a reconstruction of the early 16th century, carried out by the impulse of King Manuel I, superimposed on the pre-existing Gothic structure. Manueline's languages are well expres...
Construction from the beginning of 1380, with the support of João Afonso Telo and his wife D. Guiomar de Vilalobos, was only completed around 1420. It is a large and beautiful temple characteristic of the full Portuguese Gothic, with three naves d...
Its foundation dates back to 1242, integrating itself in the “mendicant” current, visible in the breadth of the space, high spans based on thin pillars and rare and sober sculptural ornamentation. The building has in its structure striking signs f...
This very old city had been contacted by Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians. The foundation of the city of Santarém relates to Greco-Roman and Christian mythology, recognizing in the names of Habis and Irene, their mythical origins. The first d...
The church of Nossa Senhora da Piedade was built in 1664 at the royal initiative of D. Afonso VI, when the area around Paço Real was restructured, which stood in the place where the Seminary College is currently located. This king intended to than...
The Church of Santa Maria da Alcáçova was founded in 1154, seven years after the conquest of Santarém from the Moors. In accordance with the plan for the construction of the churches at that time, it obeyed an East-West orientation, with its churc...
Aerial view over the area of The Cathedral. This cathedral was built in the area belonging to the walled complex of Santarém, specifically next to the port of Leiria. The space was occupied by the Royal Palace, but D. João IV made his donation to ...