Viana do Castelo

Viana do Castelo, born from the will of D. Afonso III, bringing together the necessary conditions of security and legislation so that the inhabitants of this region who used to live in rustic and scattered villas could develop their maritime activities in an organized urban environment. In this video I show that nucleus that developed within the walls that have since disappeared, showing some of the most important places and monuments of that early era. We continue the visit through Viana do Castelo, now through streets with urban manor houses, some from the 17th century, others from the 17th century, and some old monasteries. The Viana of the century. XVII is related to the cycle of Brazilian sugar that extends until 1660. Period of intense activity on the docks: establishment of foreign trade (families of Dutch, Flemish, French traders, are based in Viana). From Brazilian ports (Rio de Janeiro, Ilhéus, Pernambuco, Olinda and Recife) an appreciable volume of Brazilian sugar production comes, increasing the movement with ports in northern Europe (Rouen, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Hamburg, etc.). Between 1566-1660 about 25% of Brazilian production is transported by ships from Viana. Rua da Bandeira is one of the largest and oldest streets in Viana, it would be the old entrance to the city for anyone coming through Ponte de Lima. This street has several important old houses and manor houses. Espergueira Mendes is another important street in the west, full of history, which takes us to the Church of the old S. Domingos Monastery. There we can enjoy the excellent gilded carving from two periods: Main altarpiece from the first cycle of the century. XVIII, with an unusual imagery, and the altarpiece of Nª Srª do Rosário, a famous example of the gilt carving of the second half of the century. XVIII of André Soares' Bracarense school ". Forte da Barra was an important defensive system for controlling Barra do Lima, of privateers and enemies, we will observe its growth over the centuries. The Church of Nossa Senhora da Agonia is one of ex-Libris of the city since it joins a pilgrimage every year on August 20. And finally we went to Praia Norte, the Atlantic limit of Viana, its Fortim da Areosa and the start of the ecovia that takes us almost to Vila Praia de Âncora.

Dedicated to the Nª Srª da Soledade instituted in 1546 by Commander Fernão Brandão and his wife, C. Fagundes. It is accessed by a perfect round arch with rounded edges and volute closing stone, bearing the date of 1547, flanked by two fluted pilas...
Central nave of two registers, with the arches surmounted by rectangular windows, those on the last section false and painted in "trompe l'oeil". The nave and the main chapel were destroyed by a fire that occurred in 1806
Crib-shaped ceiling, painted: The Virgin Mary giving the rosary to S. Domingos. On the walls, covered with polychrome tiles forming geometric compositions, there were two paintings of biblical inspiration: Procession of the Body of God and Institu...
Its founder D.Frii Bartolomeu dos Mártires. 16th century temple. Latin cross plan, and side chapels with communication between them. It has a valuable artistic filling from different areas: architectural ornaments (porticoes) and sarcophagi; imagi...
Its founder D.Frii Bartolomeu dos Mártires. 16th century temple. Latin cross plan, and side chapels with communication between them. It has a valuable artistic filling from different areas: architectural ornaments (porticoes) and sarcophagi; imagi...
The Basilica, a temple-monument, is one of the attractions of Viana do Castelo and the Estancia de Santa Luzia overlooks the city. Built at the beginning of the century. XX (open to worship on August 22, 1926, but only ended in 1943) a good model ...
The Basilica, a temple-monument, is one of the attractions of Viana do Castelo and the Estancia de Santa Luzia overlooks the city. Built at the beginning of the century. XX (open to worship on August 22, 1926, but only ended in 1943) a good model ...
The Basilica of Santa Luzia a temple-monument is one of the attractions of Viana do Castelo and the Estancia of Santa Luzia overlooking the city. Built at the beginning of the century. XX (open to worship on August 22, 1926, but only ended in 1943...
An eighteenth-century temple, surrounded by picturesque churchyard, with a three-staircase staircase and, at the rear, a bell tower (19th century). Dominates the field of Agony. Its roco-style, exterior and interior. It was consecrated in 1756, an...
It represents the most original work of Rocaille in Portugal, due to the vigorous interpretation developed in the north. From João Malheiro with a fortune in Brazil and who reverted the assets to Casa da Praça, having died without succession, it w...
Construction of the mid-16th century. It belonged to the PITA, from Caminha. Finished in 1765 by José Mancio da Costa Barros. The Manueline window, with Gothic-naturalistic and geometric Renaissance motifs, stands out, it is the most impressive wi...
Polygonal construction, repeatedly enlarged and restored. The primitive sector corresponds to the tower, built by D. Manuel in 1502, which can be seen today at the SO angle of the fortress. However, the work proved to be insufficient in the course...
Polygonal construction, repeatedly enlarged and restored. The primitive sector corresponds to the tower, built by D. Manuel in 1502, which can be seen today at the SO angle of the fortress. However, the work proved to be insufficient in the course...
When the fortress was built during the Filipino rule, the original Santa Catarina Chapel had remained inside the walls and was inaccessible to the devout seafarers, so when it was rebuilt next to the houses of the current city. The current chapel ...
Primitive sector of the medieval Fortress, built in a strategic place, to dominate the entrance of Barra de Viana. From the time of D. Manuel I, but involved in later constructions. At the southern end of the walled enclosure, the Manueline insign...