Contributor Sets Gallery

Starcon2016 (3)

Views: 862
Starcon Saint Petersburg is a multigenre entertainment and comic convention held annually in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Created 12/05/2017 by Andrew Bodrov
Three stereo panos taken on a warm Spring day in Philadelphia's Rittenhouse Square Park. Taken with a new stereo rig having diagonal fish-eye lenses, cameras rolled 34 deg. and tilted up 5 deg.
Created 24/04/2017 by Thomas K Sharpless

PT3D Tests (2)

Views: 379
Tests of PT3Dv1, a helper for stitching stereoscopic spheres with PTGui. These are "raw", as-stitched panoramas whose defects are meant to be visible.
Created 31/03/2017 by Thomas K Sharpless
La Collégiale Saint-Etienne fut construite au début du XIVe siècle sur l’emplacement de l’ancienne église romane, elle est de style gothique méridional. Sa construction est attribuée à Jacques de Fauran, l’un des maîtres d’œuvres de la Cathédrale Saint-Just de Narbonne. Le commanditaire est Bernard de Fargues, archevêque de Narbonne. Au milieu du XIVe siècle, le chantier est interrompu, les deux dernières travées qui prolongent le chœur gothique restent celles de l’ancienne église. La voûte de l’abside est à sept pans et la hauteur sous clé est de 26.5 mètres. La tour clocher culmine à 44 mètres. VR tour réalisé pour le Service éducatif Patrimoine Sud-Hérault.
Created 15/03/2017 by Melkan Bassil
Atlantis is a majestic 5 star Dubai hotel located on the Palm Island Jumeirah, a man-made island that has captured the world’s imagination with its magnificent scale and ingenuity. From the hotel architecture to the award-winning restaurants and must-visi
Created 08/03/2017 by Christian Kleiman

Zaanse Schans (3)

Views: 229
Go back to the 18th and 19th centuries: the Zaanse Schans is a unique part of the Netherlands, full of wooden houses, mills, barns and workshops.
Created 05/02/2017 by